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We must keep going...

Zach Longden

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) is about to pounce again and something needs to be done to stop it, Chris Witty and Sir Patrick Vallance talked about the rising cases and how we can halt it.

A whopping 70,000 people in the UK have the virus, that number is rising by the second with 6000 new cases per day, and on top of that, the number of cases is doubling every 7 days, at this rate there will be 49,000 cases and 200 deaths per day by 13th of October, something needs to be done and quickly or a second lockdown looks likely, what can we do about this

Well actions have already been taken with the rule of six re-introduced, the use of facemasks being strictly enforced in workplaces and social distancing becoming more strict, the first thing we need to do is follow these rules when we can, we also need to make sure we wash our hands as often as possible and avoid touching our face.

On a positive note, treatment for the virus is improving and lowering the death rate, unfortunately only 8% of people develop anti-bodies to the virus so it’s entirely possible that someone contracts the virus more than once. We need to work together as a country to defeat this virus so keep your distance. Wash your hands, avoid touching your face and wear your facemask



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