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Universities in England facing six – day ‘travel window’ to return home for Christmas

Adam Akhtar

Universities in England are set to revert to online classes. An evacuation-style operation will take place to get students home safely for Christmas after the current nation lockdown.

The government has told universities to allocate departure dates during a "student travel window" between 3 and 9 December, to minimise the risk of them spreading Covid-19, but to also manage pressure on transport over the festive period. The plans are designed to help deal with the ‘significant challenge’ of the mass movement of students at the end of the term.

Deputy Chief medical officer Dr Jenny Harris said ‘’the measures announced today will be help minimise that risk and help students get home to their families as safely as possible for Christmas. It is crucial that students follow the guidance in order to protect their family and communities they return to.’’ The move comes as the NHS was preparing to be able to start delivering a potential COVID – 19 vaccine from the beginning of next month. Meanwhile, the government announced that 532 more people had died within 28 days of testing positive for COVID – 19, the highest reported figure reported in a single day since May 12, that bringing the UK total 49,770.

University students advised to travel during the allocated period, as they may not gain another chance until the measurements ease. Students will be required to follow government travel guidance which includes wearing face coverings, avoiding busy routes and times, and only car sharing with their household bubble group. Anyone wishing to travel after the travel window would have to follow self-isolation restrictions until they leave to be able to travel.

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