An outstanding debut album that most definitely hasn’t disappointed, delayed, due to manufacturing issues, but well worth the wait. Plenty of Reytons classics accompanied by some new absolute belters.
The first song on the Album, a new song, Mind the Gap. A song about football hooliganism. The inclusion of tannoid announcements really helps set the tone of the track. A new song that definitely will become a classic.
The second banger of the album is Antibiotics, A song about a failing relationship, ‘She’s got thousands of reasons, But she’ll never leave him’ The song came out in late May, when it was announced the album was coming and is probably one of the best on the album. Expectations of a Fool is the next song, the song came out in early July, and was performed as a new song over summer at festivals and all the summer performances across the country. A very easy listen.
A Sales Pitch for the Bus Fare is the next song, another new one and a newly emerging fans favourite. A long title, but a very memorable song. The instrumental aspect of the song starts off very calm and builds up fairly quicky, going into an absolutely class song.
The fifth tune of the album is Nothing to Declare, a song released in late September, it was released on the original release date for the whole album. Giving fans something to put them on for the whole thing. So, a fairly new song that really sparked excitement while patiently waiting for the album to be released. Now the next song Slice of Lime is an early Reytons song, and is probably one of their most popular songs, and rightfully so. It was first released as part of the ‘It Was All So Monotonous’ EP back in 2017, the first Ep released.
The seventh song on the Album is Car Crash, another new song, a song that I personally think goes under the radar a little bit, one that isn’t spoken about very much, but it is a great song and a very catchy one.
The next song was originally released in 2018 as part of the ‘Alcopops and Charity Shops’ EP and is another Reytons classic, a fan favourite for sure. The song talks about going out and also makes references to where the Reytons are from Rotherham and Mexborough in particular. What You Fighting For? Is the next tune, another new song in the album. The song is about someone who is struggling in life, referring to taking drugs and struggling to sleep. This is a song that talks about the different things that are going wrong in life and explaining that there is more that can be done in life. The title itself isn’t grammatically correct, but this is because its written in a Yorkshire accent.
The tenth song of the album is a song that was originally released in February 2021, as a part of ‘May Seriously Harm You and Others Around You’ EP. Alongside Red Smoke it is probably the best song on the EP.
Landside is the eleventh song of the album, a song that was released in August 2021, so again a fairly new song but again a very catchy tune that many fans love. The song is certainly becoming another fan favourite, like most songs in the album it is very catchy and easy to listen too.
Shoebox was originally released as a single in early December 2020 and is also included in the EP ‘May Seriously Harm You and Others Around You’. The song itself is again another one that I think goes under the radar, it isn’t spoken about very much but it is a very good song.
Another new song Trials and Tribulations, released in the album and I personally think its one of if not the best new song in the album. The song is very catchy and a very easy listen, but is also very cleverly written.
The final song of the album and possibly the best Reytons song ever, certainly the song they are most known for, a true fans favourite, Kids of the Estate. A song explaining and showing what a Working-Class upbringing is like. Sending a message to everybody listening that anyone can make it in life, no matter the upbringing. A very fitting end to an album that is very well put together in terms of the ordering. The song wraps up the album nicely.